Community Projects


One approach we, Mares Comunidad, are carrying out to reduce sea turtle bycatch is to support and strengthen projects already launched by our coastal community-based allies.

Our main intention is that, by supporting these grassroots initiatives, the communities can reduce financial pressure and dependence on fishing activities, which ultimately can reduce the impact on sea turtles.


  • Economy diversification:
    By supporting our allies' projects that diversify their income sources, coastal communities can reduce their dependence on fishing.
  • Entrepreneurship encouragement:
    Through small business development, individuals within the communities we support can develop entrepreneurial skills, create jobs, and generate wealth within their communities, in addition to those associated with the fishing industry.
  • Local control maintenance and increment:
    The projects we support are locally driven and owned to ensure that economic development benefits stay within the community rather than external entities extracting them. This can lead to greater local control over financial decision-making and more equitable distribution of wealth.
  • Promotion of community-born innovation:
    We foster an environment that encourages creativity, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving. We do this by nurturing and supporting the innovative projects that have emerged within our allies' communities through their collaborative efforts and local resources.
  • Sustainability support:
    The projects we support prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. Promoting alternative economic income sources allows communities to reduce their dependence on fishing while continuing to adopt more sustainable practices.


Additional economic opportunities
less pressure to fish*
Less time spent fishing
reduction of sea turtle bycatch
*The Mares Comunidad project doesn't seek to reduce fishing activities to zero. We respect fishing activities, traditions, and the work of the communities we collaborate with.
These communities have participated and have been vital actors for years in activities for the conservation of sea turtles in their region.
Through our community partnerships and other activities, we hope to support efforts of fishers and fishing communities to become more resilient and sustainable in the long-term


The Mares Comunidad team has provided community support through various initiatives. These efforts have been instrumental in assisting the communities in achieving their objectives and fostering their growth.

Our contributions include:
  1. Project diagnosis:
    We carry out a collaborative diagnosis of community projects to facilitate the development of new strategies that align with their objectives. Our goal is to empower communities to make informed decisions and achieve their goals.
  2. Financial support:
    Recognizing the importance of adequate resources, we have contributed financial assistance to enable communities to procure materials they identify as necessary for their projects.
  3. Fiscal intermediation:
    We have acted as fiscal intermediaries for the communities, thus facilitating their access to additional financial resources. In the same way, we have supported them to find new alternative financing options to diversify their income sources.
  4. Audience expansion:
    To help communities reach wider audiences, we have helped enhance the visual identity of their initiatives, create dedicated websites, and produce compelling images and videos. These materials are used for effective communication and marketing across various media channels in order to make themselves known and increase their sales.
  5. Skills development workshops:
    Understanding the importance of equipping community members with essential skills, we have conducted workshops tailored to their specific projects. These workshops have covered diverse areas, from project management to new craft-making techniques.
  6. Project management in Protected Natural Areas workshop:
    Recognizing the unique requirements and opportunities within Protected Natural Areas, we have organized specialized seminars on project management. These seminars have provided the communities with valuable insights and tools to effectively plan and execute their initiatives while ensuring the preservation and sustainability of these natural areas.
The Mares Comunidad team remains dedicated to supporting these communities in their journeys toward growth and success. We are committed to fostering sustainable development and will continue collaborating with them to create a positive and lasting impact.


Ecotourism can mitigate bycatch as an alternative income source for fisher families, reducing their reliance on fishing as the primary income source.
learn more
Mangrove Reforestation
Learn more about how mangrove resforestation can help mitigate bycatch and the benefits it can bring to coastal communities and fisher families.
learn more
Artisan Crafts
Learn more about how artisan crafting can help mitigate bycatch and the benefits it can bring to coastal communities and fisher families.
learn more

read our final report

In the last two years, in northwest Mexico, trust-based relationships with coastal community actors have supported strengthening grassroots initiatives that benefit sea turtles and coastal communities in BCS—and other regions of the Mexican Pacific coast—through the MARES Comunidad Project.
download full report
Disclaimer: Technical reports did not undergo official peer-review. Questions? Email us!